British Council Learning English website

2 or 3 things you liked, and why

I liked that the webside was clear with de structure and it did realize test of every part of the lesson, because this way of to learn is more fast and effective for me.

1 or 2 things you didn't like, and why

I didn´t like is that when i try again to realize the test, the webside repit the same questions and i already knew the answers.

Would you recommend this website to other English learners? Why/Why not?

Yes, because it is easy to handle and you could learn english alone, you dont need other person that to theach you.

Do you think you will you visit this website again? Why/Why not?

Yes, because the lesson are short and simple, and this is very good for me.

What score would you give it out of 10?

I give it a 8, just for what i already said before, that the webside repit the same questions, but in general i liked everything else.

Sum up your experience in one sentence.

My experience was very good because i learnt 3 grammar structure in 40 minutes and i was able to practice in this moment. 


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